Oglejte si spodnje fotografije, ki so nastale kot posodobitev poslovnega portreta za osebni brand. Ideja je bila ustvariti več variacij fotografij, ki se lahko kasneje uporabijo za različne promocije. — Za več informacij ter sodelovanje me lahko kontaktirate na spodaj priložen e-naslov ali preko kontaknega obrazca, ki ga lahko najdete pod zavihkom kontakt. Work with […]
Kot fotograf v zakulisju snemanja glasbenega videospota sem bil odgovoren za zajemanje pristnih trenutkov med snemanjem. V sodelovanju z režiserjem in produkcijsko ekipo sem ustvaril spodnje fotografije, ki so nastale v eni izmed postavljenih scen. Cilj je bil, da bi fotografije natančno odražale estetsko vizijo videospota ter izražale razpoloženje in temo pesmi. Na splošno je […]
About The Project – Launching a new brand identity – A Book That Makes You See Things Differently How it all started… Boris, co-author: Years ago, I did six simple sketches of some ideas centered around a hole made in a piece of carton. I was trying to present “out of the box” thinking. And […]
The films below represent the new vision of three young winemakers who stepped into the big shoes and took up the challenge to make their mark on the world. With passion and plenty of energy, they portray the narrative that their family has started and shaped over generations in a series of films that they […]
So, about a month ago, I was contacted for a photo shoot by the team that took care of the arrival of the Prince’s family, their accommodation and the whole protocol. I am not Writing this to brag, but really just to motivate someone else to follow their dreams, even if they are sometimes alarming […]
Grateful for this priceless experience that I have been a part of in 2019. Photos from OneLife Rally 2019, Slovenia can be found below. — Work with me – info@kristianpetrovcic.com / #kristian_petrovcic_creative / #LeCaviar.Studios
Client: @bmwmakoma — Work with me – info@kristianpetrovcic.com / #kristian_petrovcic_creative / #LeCaviar.Studios
GOAL: — Work with me – info@kristianpetrovcic.com / #kristian_petrovcic_creative / #LeCaviar.Studios